Thursday, May 28, 2009

Kawaii Cute Strawberry Earrings

Hey there!
I was supposed to have one more soccer practice today (I already had one), but I injured my legs last week, and I already felt that my leg started to hurt again during my first practice. I know from experience that the second one includes much more running, and I don't want to risk, injuring my leg even more. Instead, me and my mom are going to either go out and eat tonight, or we might just stay home and watch a movie. Anyways; yesterday I showed you such sweet necklaces, and I today found earrings, even cuter..

Now, how cute is that on a scale 1 - 10?
I am just so in love with this cute little earrings, and the theme of strawberries or any other kind of sweet/colorful stuff are perfect for your summer style. The earrings costs 6.90 Euros, which equals to 927 Japanese Yen.
Click here to take a closer look to these cute things

LOVE them... <3
What do you think?

xxx - Lotta

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