Thursday, May 28, 2009

Cute Laptops

Hi there. ^^

I am sitting here waiting for Swedish Club to start. I am actually done with all my work for the term, but today we are going to practice songs for the end-of-year event, so I have to be there anyway....

Today when I was a little bored, I went of to internet to look up some cute laptops, and I found so many unique ones. It is sad that everyone wants to have a normal one in black, white or grey when there are so many other cool colors available. Here are a few of my favorites... Enjoy!

Too adorable... A must for all "Hello Kitty"-fans!

Cool bag, with a cool slogan.. Looks like an awesome bag, right?...

..... but turns out being the coolest laptop I have ever seen! Brilliant! <3

Maybe this things aren't very good technically, but outwards they look awesome.. :)
Source: Yahoo

xxx - Lotte

1 comment:

  1. A lot of gadget-fanatic girls out there would love to have this. It’s such a sleek laptop. I like how it’s so thin and smooth-looking, giving you the impression that it’s a high-performance computer as well. I imagine it’s also lightweight, seeing as how the design seems so handy and light. The overall result of all the physical facets: absolute elegance.
    Benita Bolland
