Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Alexander Rybak

Hey there!

This is my first update on this new blog, and here you will be able to read about our everyday life, but also things that we like, including music, fashion, design, photos, and tons of other fun stuff! Our title is “Color Hairbands” for a reason, which is that we are gonna switch colors every now and then, and these colors are either gonna match our mood, the season our current events. Now, let me start my first update..:

In Europe, there is an annual song contest called The Eurovision Song Contest. In this competition, all of the European countries are allowed to compete with one song each. Anyways, this year Norway one with a song called “Fairytale”. The representative is called Alexander Rybak, and it was just earlier today that I realized how cute he is! :)
His singing is okay, and the song is quite good, but I think that one of the main reasons why he won the competition is because of his charming smile, and cute looks...

Real Eye-candy..

It is easy to understand why he has become so popular in Europe... :P
xxx - Lotte

1 comment:

  1. Yea... He is really hot, though he looks kinda scary in the pic... lol
    ily- Meiji
