Tuesday, May 19, 2009


I just found out that 2NE1 released their new mini album! XD It's not like I'm a big fan of 2NE1, but since G-Dragon (a member of Bigbang) composes songs for 2NE1, I am interested!

The song is called 'fire', with a genre of Hip-hop. Usually, I'm don't like Hip-hops but unlike the other ones, this song is quiet additive and cool! Enjoy the music video below! (It is translated by MCEmz@www,ygladies.com)

Hope you enjoy this song! XD
-Meiji <2009.5/19>


  1. You know I don't really like Korean songs, and I don't really like this one either.. ;)
    Maybe you should write how Big Bang is and stuff, cuz no one outside Korea knows that kindof stuff... just a tip!

    xxx - Lotta

  2. Heyy~!

    OMG! You're right...That song is addictive! I love it. =]

